 Duration 20 min
 With the collaboration of Herbert Meneses, Yara Contreras, 
 Gabriel Lepe y Alberto Rodríguez.

I started working with photography in 2006, using a digital point and shoot camera. In 2010, I wrote the script for this parody of an interview as the culmination of a series of confrontations I had with other photographers belonging to the school of analog photography. In repeated discussions, the perennial themes of debate were whether analog photography was better than digital photography (which for me came to no shock, as I was simply using what was available to me) and whether emerging photographers should first learn analog photography and then work with digital photography. In those conversations, as usual among artists, there were both misinformed and some totally absurd claims about the supposed superiority of analog photography. Over time, I took note of all these claims and comments, looked for press releases about the photographers who argued in this way, interviews and any other material where they talked openly about issues such as landscape, equipment to be used, etc. All of this served as input to write the booklet entitled "Interview with the best photographer in Guatemala". It is worth noting that the name of the character is not mentioned at any time, referring to it only as "The best photographer in Guatemala", a character exaggerated to the point of being comical; however, this does not mean that a certain degree of authenticity is lost with the real artists who inspired the short, since in the end it turns out to be an amalgam of several Guatemalan photographers. Despite the poor quality of the interview, it has managed to confuse many as to whether it is real or not.